Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Most Unusual Commission


Much to my surprise and delight, I was recently asked to do my first piece of tattoo flash art.

My good friend and fellow artist Richard Russell, who is already significantly illustrated, approached me to design a tattoo for him. He wants a drawing of the Hindu deity Hanuman. He will be holding up a symbol for the heart chakra because according to Richard, Hanuman is the deity of devotion.

OK, not sure I get any of that stuff, but I'm down with drawing pictures of a holy monkey-boy.

Maybe Richard asked me to take this on because I have a long history of anthropomorphizing chimpanzees in my own work (see below for two images from the series "The Impossible Highway Volume I: Duty Before Roses").

Title - Nobody Sends me Flowers: the Song of Colonel Beauchamp

Title - Heroes of the Air


  1. When you're done with Russell's tat I'd like to commission a bust of Marshall Brickman, co-writer of Annie Hall.

    "They did not take me in the Army. I was, um, interestingly enough, I was, I was 4-P. Yes. In the, in the event of war, I'm a hostage."

  2. That was Marshall Brickman? I always thought that was a Woody Allen line.

    Maybe I can do a portrait of Brickman as a chimp?

  3. Good Richard has been talking about this monkey god tatoo for almost a year now....the illustration at the top of "Hanuman" has a striking resemblance to Richard....i think it the eyes and the hairpiece.
