Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Accidental Author (Sort of)

How many people find out purely by chance that their artwork has been published somewhere? As of a few nights ago, I’m the first one I know.

I’ve always loved books about sketchbooks and have purchased quite a few through the years. Recently, however, I made the decision to build as comprehensive a library as I can - one that could eventually serve as a resource for myself and others.

A couple hundred dollars of gift cards in hand, I spent an evening combing the Internet for new acquisitions. By midnight I had identified a dozen or so books I wanted and had looked at two dozen more. Bleary-eyed, I clicked on one more of the suggested links, leading me to The Journal Junkies Workshop: Visual Ammunition for the Art Addict by Eric M. Scott and David R. Modler.

Scanning through the “Look Inside” preview, I about soiled myself when I found some of my artwork incorporated into a collage. At first pissed off, I was relieved to see that they gave me credit in the back of the book.

Mountains of spam keep me from regularly checking the email account associated with, so it’s quite possible they had tried to contact me. Besides, I appreciate the fact that the authors are working to make sketchbooks a more valued part of art courses on the high school and college level. The fact that they plugged my site also helped win me over.

I immediately ordered the book, which arrived yesterday. A very thorough how-to book full of great ideas for materials and techniques, The Journal Junkies Workshop is an inspiring book for artists of any age.

Not that I’m biased, of course.

Check it out for yourself. Here’s a link on Amazon.

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